Home Insurance Coverage Options in Klamath Falls, OR

Home Insurance Can Give you More than Just Coverage for Your Home

Home Insurance Coverage Options in Klamath Falls, ORWe typically purchase homeowners insurance to protect our largest investment – our home. But homeowners, and often condo and renters insurance too, includes many other items besides your home. Let’s take a look at just a few items that might be covered by your homeowners insurance carrier.

While some premier insurance home insurance companies automatically include some of these, others may be available by endorsement. It’s best to talk to us about your policy and what coverage is included.

Personal Property Replacement

Your home insurance will typically provide insurance protection for up to 50 to 70% of the replacement cost of the structure. For instance, if your replacement cost of the home is $150,000, your policy would include $75,000 for your personal possessions such as clothing, computers and such. Keep in mind, jewelry, art and furs would require a special endorsement.

Animal Bites

If you own an animal, it is possible that animal could cause harm to someone visiting your home or while you’re away at a park. Regardless of where the bite occurs, your home insurance policy can provide you with liability insurance coverage to help cover the injured party medical bills as well as any settlement or attorney’s fees.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing problem in the United States. Typically an endorsement, this coverage would help with expenses you incur trying to get your stolen identity back in order and your credit ironed out.

Theft of Items from a car while in transport

If you’re transporting a home item such as a television or even an expensive purse in your car and it is stolen, your auto insurance policy won’t cover it. A home insurance policy can, however. Consider carefully whether or not it would be worth turning in a claim, however, as a deductible and claim on your record could make it a wash, or put you in a worse situation come renewal time.

Additional Living Expenses

If your home is damaged by a covered loss and is unlivable some insurance companies will pay for your room & board while the home is being repaired.

Extra Coverage Availability

By purchasing a high limit home insurance & auto insurance policy together, you become eligible for an umbrella insurance policy. These policies offer additional liability protection if your home or auto insurance policy is exhausted. They’re typically inexpensive and quotes take just a couple minutes.

The coverages above may not be available from all insurance companies and options vary by state. To find out if your home insurance company offers the above benefits, you should talk your agent at Pacific Ridge Insurance or review your insurance policy.

If you have questions about your home, auto or commercial insurance, call the insurance agents at Pacific Ridge Insurance. They write business across the state of Oregon from their home office in Klamath Falls, OR. Policies can easily be written over the phone by calling (888) 337-5882.  With years of insurance experience they can easily help you insure everything from your home to your auto or commercial auto insurance. They live where you do and are an independent insurance agent, so they can help you find the right company to fit your needs. You can also check out their website, 24/7.

How to dispose hazardous waste in Klamath Falls, OR

Do You Know How to Dispose of Hazardous Household Items?

How to dispose hazardous waste in Klamath Falls, OR Whether you’re purchasing a new home or have lived in the same house for years, chances are there is old paint and other household items that require special disposal in your crawlspace or garage.

Batteries:  The average American household goes through over a dozen standard batteries a year. There are several types of batteries. Alkaline batteries come in sizes like AA, AAA, C, D and 9V and can simply be disposed of in your standard garbage can. Alkaline batteries no longer contain dangerous substances like mercury (eliminated around 1993). However, it’s important not to throw away a large number of alkaline batteries together. Also, if you use rechargeable batteries like AAs or AAAs, you should recycle them.

Car batteries and small tractor batteries contain lead and sulfuric acid. These batteries should be taken to a recycling center. Many auto parts stores will actually pay you to recycle the battery at their location. Auto Zone is one of these many stores currently offering a $5 store credit for recycling your battery there.

Paint: Latex paint is considered non-hazardous by all states except California. If you have a home in California, visit this site for recommended disposal.  For all other states, it is recommended to dry out the leftover paint with cat litter or a latex paint hardener specifically made for drying out leftover paint such as this product from Home Depot. You can then dispose of the paint in your curb-side garbage collection.

CFL and Fluorescent Light bulbs: These energy efficient bulbs contain mercury. They should be recycled at a local recycler. Many states including California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington require the bulbs be recycled and not disposed of in your common household trash.  Some major home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes have recycling centers available. Look towards their returns desk for a drop-off.

Keep your eye out for local recycling programs in your community. These are often sponsored by the city you live in and makes disposing of household waste simple.

If you have questions about your home, auto or commercial insurance, call the insurance agents at Pacific Ridge Insurance. They write business across the state of Oregon from their home office in Klamath Falls, OR. Policies can easily be written over the phone by calling (888) 337-5882.  With years of insurance experience they can easily help you insure everything from your home to your auto or commercial auto insurance. They live where you do and are an independent insurance agent, so they can help you find the right company to fit your needs. You can also check out their website, 24/7.

six scenarios when you should consider adjusting your insurance policy in Klamath falls, OR

Life changes, so should your insurance policy

six scenarios when you should consider adjusting your insurance policy in Klamath falls, ORImagine if we could buy just one insurance policy and be set for life. That’s a nice thought, isn’t it? Like the good things that happen in life, your insurance policy should change and adapt to your situations. The beauty of having a local, independent insurance agent is that they represent multiple insurance companies. One that surely will fit your current and future needs. Some things to consider when reviewing your current insurance:

Did I get married?

Marriage discounts, multi-car discounts, combined insurance policies, jewelry endorsements, life insurance, a new home? A lot happens when you get married – be sure your new life together is properly insured.

Did I complete a major remodel?

A new kitchen can add tremendous value to your home. Simple changes like bay windows, granite counter tops and hardwood floors dramatically improve and increase the value of your home, not to mention if you blow out a wall and add some additional square footage. Be sure your current insurance policy has enough coverage for all your changes. Review these changes with your agent.

Did I or do I want to get a new car?

If you’re considering a new car, your independent agent can tell you what the new premiums will be on that fancy new ride before you buy it. Be sure to consider the increased premium in the sticker tag of the vehicle.

Do I have a teen who will soon be driving?

Teen drivers can be quite the sticker shock. If you have a teen driver in the house, it is important to let your agent know. Most insurance companies require your teen driver be listed on the policy. Not adding the driver to the policy could cause major problems and even a claim denial if they’re not added timely. Be sure to ask your agent about teen drivers.

Did I purchase a new exterior building for my home?

Many insurance policies automatically include exterior buildings coverages for 10% of the value of your home. While not all do this automatically, if you install or build a detached garage or other structure, be sure you have enough coverage in the event it is damaged or a total loss.

Did I protect my home with a new burglar alarm?

Reviewing what discounts you currently have and looking for new ones is always a good thing to do. Burglar alarms, driving less, multi-policy discounts and more are great ways to reduce your premiums. Your agent can look for these automatically. They’re discount detectives. Next time you talk with yours, be sure to have them go over what discounts are available so you can take advantage of them.

Understanding insurance is difficult. Fortunately, when you’re insured with an independent insurance agent they can review your policy with you anytime and shop from multiple companies to determine the best company for your needs.

If you have questions about your home, auto or commercial insurance, call the insurance agents at Pacific Ridge Insurance. They write business across the state of Oregon from their home office in Klamath Falls, OR. Policies can easily be written over the phone by calling (888) 337-5882.  With years of insurance experience they can easily help you insure everything from your home to your auto or commercial auto insurance. They live where you do and are an independent insurance agent, so they can help you find the right company to fit your needs. You can also check out their website, 24/7.